Obsessive-Compulsive Related Disorders


Hoarding disorder

It is fairly common to collect objects and to have some difficulty parting with sentimental items. Individuals with hoarding disorder, however, find it extremely difficult to throw away seemingly meaningless items, such as bits of paper, old plastic bags, drink bottles, and string. Their homes may be very cluttered and they will become extremely upset when family members attempt to clean up or throw objects away. At CAO, we can support patients and their families in addressing problematic hoarding behaviour.

Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviours

Disorders in this category include skin picking (Excoriation Disorder) and hair pulling (Trichotillomania). BFRBs can cause damage to the person’s body, including bald patches, scarring, and skin lesions. People who experience BFRBs find it extremely hard to stop the behaviour, even though it is negatively impacting their life. Read more about Habit Reversal Therapy (HRT), a successful intervention for BFRBs offered at CAO.